Branding in the Digital and Social Media Age
Branding and the Digital Age
Branding, which is the art and science of building and managing brands to deliver more value for businesses and consumers is “in theory” media-neutral. However, the “how” we connects and interact with people and brands is practically defining many aspects of who we are and where our society is heading.
Strong brands are built on a foundation of meaningful brand strategy and
distinguished identity systems that makes them attractive and unique to certain
groups of people. Whether the interaction with customers is happening in the
physical world or online, through one channel or many channels, the core
principles of branding are not supposed to change. However, the manifestation
of the brand and its connection with consumers have taken a totally new
dimension in the digital age.
Suddenly it is the 1990’s again when every brand wanted a website. Now
every brand is looking to have a presence on all the main social media networks
and to have a smartphone application.
This is adding many layers of complexity to the brand communication
system, but also creating new markets and adding new opportunities for brands to
interact and connect with consumers and online communities.
With the new horizons that Digital and Social are opening for brands and businesses
comes a clear challenge for these brands to be up-to-date, attractive,
interesting, and consistent in all their online and social networks interaction
with their target groups.
Control Shift
In the traditional communication world, brands and their advertising
agencies controlled the communication process and TV had the central and most
influential role in building brands and forming public opinion about various topics
through the delivery of news, entertainment and advertising.
The theoretical distinction between the interests of advertisers and media
was probably a myth – the same applies to the demarcation between politics and
media where interference presents serious damage to the concept of democracy
and free public opinion.
One of the main characteristics of the present online times is the shift
in control from companies to the consumers and users. Brands and businesses do
not control what they want to communicate about themselves anymore. Instead of
the tightly controlled one-way and single-channel communication activities
through traditional media, brands are now in continuous contact with consumers
through a growing number of touch points and channels around-the-clock.
Moreover, it is not the brand that decide the time and channel of
communication anymore; consumers are now taking more control and the initiative
in searching for information and looking up brands online and offline. Besides the
information aspect, consumers are having powerful means for sharing and forming
opinions and experiences about brands in social media and across the online and
digital space.
The Way Ahead
With the continuous development of technology and broadband, the digital
world will continue to gain in importance and influence as the main source of
information and interaction where brands have to exist and interact with their
customers and consumers.
The near future will add another layer of complexity to the equation where
the “Mobility” factor will be in sync with digital and online. More people are
accessing the internet through their mobile devices and very soon, cars and all
other mobility vehicle will be continuously connected to the digital world. People
will be connecting their smartphones to smart systems in their cars that will
put them “online” all the time with all the possibilities that will be added
for social and work activities. To complete the picture, we need to add the
“mobility” factor to the equation. Therefore, the future is going to be
Digital, Mobile and Connected.
Businesses and companies will have very little control over their
communication with customers, but will have to enter the game of
digital-mobile-connectivity according to new rules that are based on more
transparency and truth. Here branding will have to adapt and evolve to the dynamics
of the new digital world. The schizophrenic approach between what brands use to
put in their Vision and Mission statements and what they do in reality will
have to end – This applies to all sorts of brands, commercial, artistic and political
as well.
Brands are using a considerable part of their communication budgets to
create an online and digital presence; but this will not necessarily secure for
them online and digital success.
People and brands are spending more time online and on social media networks,
which is expected to become the norm for an important number of people and for
a whole new generation.
Brand Truth
In the new world, all brand activities have to be true to the brand 24/7
as consumers are continuously checking the brand and its activities. In this
context, the best advertising for any brand is its true self.
The more touch-points we have, the more consistency, transparency and truth
are needed from brands – this is the only golden rule.
Since “branding” has always been a very human concept, the answers to
branding questions for the present times can be always found in very basic
human behavior. The best strategy not to be caught lying, is to always say the
Branding 3.0
Branding that flourished in the physical world of design and communication
will discover unlimited opportunities to connect and build brands and communities
online. Like advertising and other brand services, branding has to adapt to the
digital world and embrace the great opportunities that are made possible.
In the Digital Age and Social Media reign, the role of branding is
becoming even more important. Facing the proliferation of media and the fragmentation
of the connection channels, brands will have an increasing need to have a very
clear and differentiated strategy and identity to stand out and appeal to their
various target audiences.
This clear and differentiated identity will be delivered by both the strategic
and creative sides of branding. One clearly defined and expressed brand “Truth”
will be able to create a stronger and more enchanting connection with customers
and consumers across different media and social networks.
Strategic branding is not going out fashion in the digital world; on the
contrary, it is becoming more important and needed to cut through the noise and
the over-communication in the market place.
One more time, technological advances and market dynamics are working for
the benefit of the consumer by forcing brands to be more transparent and genuinely
good in order to be allowed to enter people’s life and their social
This new and enhanced Branding will have a new set of rules to better
deliver in the digital age.
The 7 rules of branding in the digital age
1 – Brands should be always ready to connect online and offline 24/7.
2 – Brand experience is the final judgment for brands – brands will always
be as good as their last delivery on brand experience.
3 – Online, “Free” is not enough; you have to be “Interesting enough”.
4 – Unless you are already a mega brand, do not expect mega success
online. For good brands, it will eventually happen.
5 – Online is Ongoing – brands need a very high energy level to cope and
deliver 24/7. If you are not ready or do not have enough content and resources,
better to be very selective.
6 – Always innovate, but always stay relevant to the brand core promise –
It is possible.
7 – Brand identity and manifestations have to work equally good online and
A brand that is always consistent, always delivering on its promises, and
always true to itself and to its customers and consumers will be recognized and
praised online and offline. This is a basic expectation from big brands, now it
is only more urgent and necessary for their success and survival.
The core principles of brand building remain the same, but branding
manifestation and applications have to adopt more transparent and innovative
ways partly because of the huge development of the digital realm and social
It is true that the past few years have brought a lot new elements to the
branding and communication marathon. However, we would like to remind brands
and businesses that social media might have invented a very sophisticated
running shoe, but it has not invented running.
manifesto is a consulting firm specialized in brand
strategy, innovation and communication.